On Saturday, October 10, was the District 10 9th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser car show in Newark, CA (Fremont area), which took place at the Newpark Mall parking garage. I wasn’t planning on attending this show at first, but @mpagaduan_xclusiv invited me out there to model for @team_xclusiv. Thanks guys!
For the show I decided to wear a grey sports bra with black high waisted shorts. I honestly was not feelin’ my hair that day, I had it straighter than normal and it just felt puffy to me. So I apologize if some of the photos are not up to par lol. I thought it would be overcast that day in Fremont, but when I arrived at 12pm it was extremely hot! I even got a deep tan on my chest, thankfully I don’t burn because I didn’t think I needed sunscreen!
I hadn’t eaten anything all day, so after we set up at the booth Michael and I decided to head into the mall food court and bring back something to eat. We literally got lost trying to find the food court, and got lost on our way back trying to find the parking garage haha! Once we ate, photographers Gary Wong and Jessie came to shoot quite a few photos. It’s always nice seeing them at shows and working with them! They are both very talented!
I took a quick break at the booth afterwards, and hung out with the team a little until I began shooting with Matt from @team_xclusiv, who happens to be an amazing photographer. The sun was really bright that day, so all of us had to really try and work with those not so attractive shadows!
I saw a lot of new and familiar faces, and it was nice seeing everyone again! It was great supporting a good cause! Unfortunately I had to leave before the awards ceremony because I had a photoshoot right after back in Modesto. I was extremely tired and had a headache from the sun, but I got it done!
I want to thank Michael and @team_xclusiv for everything and having me out there! You guys are fun to hang out with and hilarious!
Catch me next at AM NIGHTS in Sacramento on October 17! It’s a huge auto showcase with tons of models, booths, and fun. Get your tickets in advance here: http://amnights.eventbrite.com/?aff=micalavalles
u look gorgeous!
love this!