Hey guys! I recently finished my vanity setup and thought it would be fun to make a video on my makeup collection and vanity setup as well. Now, I don’t have the most makeup in the world like those big Youtube girls, but I think I have a decent amount of options without being overwhelming. As I mentioned in my video multiple times, once I find a product I like I continue using it and don’t really reach for other products. It’s nice to have options for different occasions but on an everyday basis I pretty much use the same items (I’m pretty simple, I guess)?!
All of these items shown are listed and mentioned in my video description, so be sure to watch it below! I recently found some cute pink drawers at Marshalls, cute heart pillows and heart accessories at Target which completed my Vanity (well, for now)! The drawers definitely helped organize all my makeup and beauty products, so now I feel completely refreshed and happy with my setup! If interested be sure to watch the video below: