Outfit Details: All Me Adidas Sports Bra, Pink Biker Shorts, Adidas Terrex Hiking Shoes
Yay! Just went on our first trip since all this quarantine stuff started! Feels like forever since our last trip to South Lake Tahoe, so we busted a two day trip out there to enjoy nature (away from people) and hike Eagle Falls and Cascade Falls.
It felt so amazing to finally take a trip somewhere, let me tell ya! The fresh air and waterfalls of Lake Tahoe were beautiful, and we got in some really good hikes.
There were tonssss of people out in Tahoe, but we definitely kept our social distance on the trails, and were away from the traffic.
Although I love to hike, being stylish is a must for me . I still want to feel cute and not boring with a gross hiking outfit on! haha.
So what to wear on a hike and still look cute with style?
#1 rule is: always wear color!! It will literally transform your outfit and make you stand out, especially for photos. If you don’t end up wearing color, at least have a colorful backpack or bag that stands out.

I wore a cute and colorful Adidas sports bra which was perfect for wicking away any moisture. It was pretty hot in Tahoe these days, especially while hiking, so this was the perfect top to wear.
Bright pink biker shorts for more color and my handy dandy Adidas hiking shoes. They are losing tread now, but these are stylish hiking shoes to wear.
Which brings me to rule #2: invest in some stylish hiking shoes ! But make sure they are non-slip and have good reviews, because you don’t want to have a slip up!
I kept the outfit simple, but see how much color made it stand out . Definitely looks like more effort was put into it, haha. So keep that in mind on your next hiking or camping trip!
Where will your first trip be after quarantine? Let me know!
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