I know we are all well aware of how Amazon has been taking over the world lately (come on, being able to purchase anything with one click and 2 day shipping? Um, yes!), so being able to join the Amazon Influencer program and recommend my…

I know we are all well aware of how Amazon has been taking over the world lately (come on, being able to purchase anything with one click and 2 day shipping? Um, yes!), so being able to join the Amazon Influencer program and recommend my…
Details: White Artificial 7 ft Christmas Tree, Rose Gold Shatterproof Ornament balls, pink Vickerman 100ct Christmas lights, Ballerina ornament [similar], dog & feather ornaments [Walmart], rose gold sequined mini stocking [Target], Pink ribbon [Joann’s, or similar here] Yes…I already have my tree up! I…
#NeverThrowAway #NationalConsignmentDay Today marks the first ever National Consignment Day with The RealReal! As you guys may know from several previous posts, I’ve been so big on consignment stores for the past year and a half! I’ve purchased several pre-loved luxury bags and clothes [see…